You may have felt it for some time. Something itches or falters. You long for more energy, more fun, a life that fits you more, is an expression of who you are.

Gradually you can no longer ignore the signals; it is time for change. We often experience what is no longer right in our outer world. If only that organization, that boss or colleague, your partner or even society would change then life would be a lot better.

However, all these signals have an important message for you! If you dare to look at what is really going on, you can break old patterns and organize your life and work in such a way that you can achieve what is really important to you with more pleasure and less effort. This is what transformation is all about.
As a transformation coach I invite you to recognize your own role, where you unconsciously sabotage yourself, so that you can make conscious choices and give yourself more and more space to be yourself. Because that's where your energy and your talent are!

You get to work on your leadership, your personal development.
You will see that it is enormously surprising what new perspectives come out of this.

And yes, sometimes you have to get over a bump in the road, but with the tools I provide you with, you will definitely succeed!


That everything changes is a natural thing. Each time we go through another cycle of building, flowering, breaking down and transformation. We then literally grow into a new form of ourselves. When we are willing to accept that the old is disappearing and explore what is still unknown, we discover that we truly have unprecedented possibilities.

However, we live in a time when the world is changing more and more rapidly, and thus asking quite a lot of us. All these changes can be overwhelming and gnaw at our sense of security. Instead of moving along smoothly, we sometimes struggle to handle the stress that is activated.
Chances are we slip into our survival mechanisms, with emotions like fear, sadness or anger, and can no longer think and act from our natural strength. Instead of resolving it and growing through it, we then only make things worse.

A period of transformation requires resilience and confidence. A good (inner) compass helps guide us through turbulent times.


With me, coaching is transformational. Instead of trying to "fix" something or find an immediate "solution," you start to see that this situation has something to tell you about what is really important to you. So it is also a form of coaching that puts you in touch with deeper, often unconscious layers. You start to see where you may be subconsciously sabotaging yourself and repeating the old story over and over again. By starting to recognize this, you can make conscious choices based on who you really are, without all the obstacles.

Change is rarely easy; the familiar often doesn't feel comfortable, but is still your comfort zone. Overcoming your own resistance or that of others is part of this. The great thing is that in the process you also build up extra strength, which you can put to good use in the future.

At the end of coaching, a world will open up for you. You are ready to live a whole new story. You gain direction and ownership over your choices and that becomes immediately visible in everything. It can again revolve around what you really care about. For many people, these are values such as being able to be yourself, having fun, connecting with others, being able to add value, creativity, unconditional love, etc. For you, it is important that you remember again what your own values are and who you want to be in this life.

Zo tegen mijn vijftigste dacht ik mijn hardnekkige patronen wel een beetje te kennen. Desondanks bleef ik een groot gevoel van onrust, ongeduld en onzekerheid voelen. Dit is in combinatie met een flinke dosis verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel en doorzettingsvermogens lastig.
Een One Day Retreat van Ineke bij de Hoorneboeg over persoonlijke transformatie bracht mij in beweging. Tijdens het vervolgtraject van zes persoonlijke sessies heeft Ineke mij op een heel professionele manier begeleid in een traject van persoonlijke transformatie. Het theoretische kader, de diepgaande beleving en het werken met verschillende oefeningen werkten voor mij zeer goed. Ik denk dat dit het eerste traject is geweest waar ik echt tot de kern ben gekomen en snap waarom ik ben wie ik ben. Ik heb jarenlang een hekel gehad aan de uitspraak “je mag er zijn” maar ik weet nu pas wat dit betekent. Ik kan zelfstandig verder, doe dat nu al anders dan hiervoor en zal af en toe Ineke blijven opzoeken. Ik gun iedereen een dergelijk traject. Dus Ineke, heel veel dank!
Wietske Kamsma
Kwartiermaker | Verkenner | Dagvoorzitter | Maker van onverwachte verbindingen

"What an adventure the coaching program with Ineke has been. I came in with a coaching question to lead more effectively, but got much more than I expected. Ineke is able to make you aware of your "glass cage," of the true origin that you are stagnating on a particular theme.
Ineke guided me to face the discomfort I was experiencing inside. With the right methodology, she took me one step further each session. As a result, I am not only a better leader for others, but especially for myself. Now I organize my time with activities I really want, instead of activities I think I should do. As a result, I have much more relaxation in my work and private life. I have found the space to be authentic as a leader, coach and human being.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Ineke!" 
Anthony Geerts
Leiderschapscoach, eigenaar Full Potential Coaching, Interim-management

The coaching program with Ineke helped me to see how I can best focus on what I am good at and what gives me energy. Before the program I was very searching, I was appreciated in my work, but not everything I did made me really happy. I also wanted to mean more, more of a direction or ambition to live up to. After the sessions with Ineke I became more and more aware of the impact I can have on a group. I've realized what makes me strong, that sometimes these are things I took for granted, because they didn't cost me any energy. Now I see that that is precisely my strength, that it can fuel change. It has also helped me to make choices, to stop doing tasks that did not give me energy. My career is now taking more and more shape, I know better and better which way I want to go and where my ambition lies.
Anne Nienhuis,
Agile coach & facilitator onderwijsinnovatie

I would describe Ineke's way of coaching as wise and light-hearted. Wise in the sense of a lot of knowledge and a good intuition to see and interpret patterns in a larger framework. Airy in the tools and insights she offers to break patterns.
That combination helped me take another step in my personal development and leadership.
Annelies Riteco

Download gratis het BREAK FREE KOMPAS!
Laat het je inspireren om te reflecteren op je dromen en ambities
en om de kracht in jezelf te ontdekken die je nodig hebt om je doelen te bereiken.


A whole day for yourself at the beautiful location "De Hoorneboeg" to boost the change you want to make to your life!
The One Day Retreats Break Free!, Create! en Change the Game! are completely designed to get you off to a good start.
Relaxed, with lots of inspiration and new insights, you will go home at the end of the day.
Fully catered with organic lunch from 'Bij de Tuinman'

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About twenty years ago, I could no longer deny that something had to change. I was trying so hard to keep all the signs in the air and meet the expectations of others. And rarely did I feel that enough was enough.

The wake-up call came from my body, which no longer wanted to cooperate with what I had come to consider "normal": getting through the day with packs of paracetamol in my pocket. I was literally sinking through my legs. I had ignored all signals in the time before. Now I had to listen to what my body, apparently from a deeper wisdom, was telling me: "What are you doing? Why are you denying yourself and your talents? I was amazed that this inner voice came through so clearly.

With unstoppable curiosity, I devoured everything there was to learn and read about our mind-body connection and about that special phenomenon called "consciousness"A world opened up to me in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, wisdom traditions, etc. I decided to shift my course dramatically in order to express what I felt this life was really about: connection with ourselves, with others and with the magic of the greater whole.

My own transformation process led to my practice as a transformation coach so that I can pass on all the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated over the years to others. We have so much more potential at our disposal when we are truly true to who we are at the deepest level. I grant the richness of this to everyone!