You may have been feeling it for some time. Something is tickling or there is a friction. Gradually you can no longer ignore the signals, something has to change. We experience that what is no longer right often in our outside world. If only that organization, that boss or colleague, your partner or even society would change then life would be a lot better.

However, all these signals have an important message for you! If you dare to look at what is really going on, you can break through old patterns and organize your life and work in such a way that you achieve what you really find important with much more pleasure and less effort. If you start to recognize what your own role is and you start to make conscious choices, you give yourself more space to be yourself. And that is where your energy and talent lies!

As a coach I like to guide you in this journey of discovery in the field of leadership and personal growth! It will certainly be inspiring, both for you and for me. I look forward to meeting you!


Of course you would like to know what to expect when you start a coaching program with me. First of all, an open and inspiring conversation.
We are completely equal. You are the expert in your field and in your life, I add my knowledge and years of experience from coaching. I will mainly ask you questions that make you look at your issue in a new and enlightening way. I will ask you personal, in-depth and sometimes confronting questions, but always with authenticity and respect. Humor and lightness are also allowed. 😀
We will regularly make use of exercises in which you can actively get to work. It is nice and important to not just sit in your head, but also to experience what it all does to you. All aspects of you will be addressed: rationally, emotionally, physically and if it fits also spiritually.
Of course I will also give you many practical tools, which you will probably enjoy your whole life. For inspiration I will regularly give you movie clips and reading tips.

Ineke has coached me over the years in different phases of my professional career: changing role in a fast growing organization, changing relationships, filling management positions and therefore also my own personal and leadership development. It was (and sometimes still is) a voyage of discovery and I am very grateful to Ineke for the insights she has gained in recent years. Although it has not always been easy to make far-reaching choices, Ineke, with her coaching style and warm personality, has contributed to me knowing who I am and what I (no longer) want. This has improved the quality of my life, both professionally and privately.’

Nancy Neuteboom – Owner Boomers Real Estate


Would you prefer to get started right away? Or first hear from me what I could do for you specifically? Let me know! I will contact you as soon as possible.

I am Ineke Bueno and I work a lot with high growth potentials and changemakers who want to achieve their dream or vision with commitment.
People who like to take on the challenges of our time and want to use their talent and leadership to have a real impact.

You will see that this does not have to be at the expense of your health, your relationships or your income, but that it will actually benefit you. There is so much energy and potential in the talents you have been given.

With humor and confrontation I challenge you again and again to take the next step, take responsibility and develop your leadership.

Has the moment come for you to really get to work and would you like to experience what working with me could bring you?
I would love to invite you for a conversation!